
Below are the first radio newscasts on AFVN reporting the story of SP5 Bob Lawrence charging that news reports on AFVN were being censored. SP5 Jim Allingham is the newscaster reporting the Lawrence story.

Jim Allingham 3 AM Newcast
2 min 36 sec

This cut is the 3 a.m. newscast of Sunday, January 4, 1970 (although Lawrence made the charge in his Saturday night, January 3rd, TV newscast). It was the first public acknowledgement by the American military that the event did, indeed, take place. Jim's placement of it as the lead story caused much heartburn from MACIO and others at MACV who viewed it as a "non-event" and "not newsworthy."


Jim Allingham 5AM Newscast
2 min 43 sec.

This cut was a newscast that Jim did shortly after 5a.m. during halftime of an NFL playoff game; again, he led with it and, again, caught flak for doing so. Jim caught further flak when he"re-capped" the story before switching back to AFRTS and the second half of the football game.


Jim Allingham 7AM Newscast
2 min 40 sec

AFRTS radio feed of ABC newsman John Maher's report. It includes some of Jim's newscast that ABC lifted off the air.


US News Broadcast
3 min 59 sec

This cut is ABC Radio News, with an interview of Lawrence. It came down on the AFRTS radio feed. Again, there was much debate about whether Jim should run the cut and much debate afterwards about its newsworthiness.


Nha Trang Air Check 6-23-70
73 min 59 sec

This is a 6 a.m. to midnight aircheck of AFVN FM (99.9) radio, Nha Trang, from June 23, 1970. Among the voices heard on this aircheck are those of Army disc jockeys SP4 Chuck Ingle, SP5 Tom Benintende, PFC Meade H. Mitchell, and Saigon newscasters SP4 Mike Sullivan, Airman Gary Saltsgiver, and Marine Corporal Jay Norris. Also, a number of AFRTS personalities are featured. They include: Gene Weed, Roger Carroll, Ira Cook, Paul Anthony, and John Doremus. The aircheck incluees a variety of AFVN jingles and command information anouncements. Our thanks to former AFVN newscaster SP5 Jim Allingham for providing this aircheck.



Click here for the complete text of SP5 Bob Lawrence's Remarks on AFVN-TV

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